So, it appears that I've been QUITE the slacker with my blog. So, we'll get right down to some of the things I've created this past month!
First off, is the slouchy beanie I made for a friend. Sorry, I haven't taken pics wearing it. I look DUMB in hats.
Here is my precious, little lady, modeling my puff ball scarf. I hated this crap, when I first saw it, and now I LOVE it! What a fun, different, scarf!
This little gem is Krista's Super Awesome Hotpad! It is named appropriately.
Ahhh, the owl Kindle cover. I love it. It's in Packers colors. But LORD was it tedious. All single crochets, then sewing each little piece on. If I make one of these for you, know that I love you dearly, because it's not worth it to make these for "fun".
BUNNY HAT! I made this for Scarlett when we went to see Max and Ruby Live. :D
I got chosen to be a pattern tester for this fun, little guy! He now happily sits on my desk at work. (Here, he was sitting on my dishwasher. LOL)
Here's my first purse. Not horrible, not great. I'm not a fan of bamboo handles, and I was just trying to use up some of my scrap Homespun I had lying around. Scarlett uses it to carry her "groceries".
I made a Zebra hat for a friend's little girl. Instead of using black stripes, we did dark purple. FUN!
And, last, but not least, some yummy yarn I picked up during the Covered Bridge Festival a few weeks ago. I dont know what I'm doing with either skein yet, but I know whatever they turn out to be, they'll be fab.